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Audio Basics: How to judge stereo sound quality

Audio Basics: How to judge stereo sound quality

Audio Basics is a series intended for audiophiles who may be at the beginning of their journeys, as well as the experienced audiophile who may just want a refresher.

In this week’s episode, Nextscreen Executive Publisher Tom Martin continues telling Lance, who is playing the role of a beginning audiophile, the last four elements that make up a great stereo.

Tom has already told Lance the first six elements of a great stereo, including frequency response and soundstaging, among others. Now he’s talking about dynamic capability, resolution and noise floor, timing, and distortion.

Audio Basics is a weekly series that you can see on the hi-fi+ YouTube channel. If you’ve missed the first few episodes, you can find them here.

Click here to subscribe so you don’t miss another episode!


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