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Audio Show Deluxe 2024: A photo show report

Audio Show Deluxe 2024: A photo show report

The second annual Audio Show Deluxe took place this weekend. […]
Paul Messenger 1949-2024: A personal tribute

Paul Messenger 1949-2024: A personal tribute

Alan Sircom looks back on the life and career of one of the nicest people in the audio world and a personal friend, the reviewer Paul Messenger, who died recently.
Audio Show Deluxe 2024: A photo show report

Audio Show Deluxe 2024: A photo show report

The second annual Audio Show Deluxe took place this weekend. […]

Paul Messenger 1949-2024: A personal tribute

Paul Messenger 1949-2024: A personal tribute

Alan Sircom looks back on the life and career of one of the nicest people in the audio world and a personal friend, the reviewer Paul Messenger, who died recently.

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2024: See You There!

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2024: See You There!

Arguably, the most important event in the UK audio calendar, the 35th Bristol Hi-Fi Show kicks off this weekend. We will be there… and so will all the best hi-fi!

triangle boreal

Triangle Borea Connect

February 19, 2024 – This year Triangle have shipped their […]

Classic Turntable Company 301

The history of the LP

The long-playing record was launched 75 years ago, with stereophonic records arriving a decade later. As we say goodbye to 2023, Jason Kennedy rounds up a brief history of vinyl.

Show Thoughts…

Show Thoughts…

Bill Leigh of Auden Distribution goes to many audio shows, sometimes as a visitor, and sometimes as an exhibitor. He tells us which ones that are worth attending, and why!

Key To Burmester… a discussion

Key To Burmester… a discussion

After visiting the reworked Burmester factory in Berlin, Alan Sircom thinks the company's future is safer than ever. With the new 232 integrated amplifier, powerful in-car systems, and more, the company floats on air!

Linn Sondek LP12-50

Linn Sondek LP12-50

To celebrate 50 years of LP12 turntables, the Scottish audio experts teamed up with Linn fan and industrial design legend, Sir Jony Ive, to produce his first post-Apple product design.

Definitive Audio Living Voice R80

Unveiling: Definitive Audio Living Voice R80 loudspeaker

Kevin from Definitive Audio unveils the Living Voice R-80 loudspeaker at Audio Show Deluxe.

Perreaux 200iX

Perreaux 200iX

Perreaux is one of the most respected audio brands coming out of New Zealand today, and with clever, good-sounding and striking-looking products like the 200iX, Jimmy Hughes can see why!

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    "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

    "There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."